Wednesday, March 1, 2006

Guestbook entries for 3/1/06

The following are entries made to Alex's Caringbridge guestbook on March 1, 2006

I am from the babycenter birth club and just wanted to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers. I was getting worried since we really haven't heard much. Sending lots of love, Sarah

My mother, Vonnie Bennett had sent me an update on little Alex. My prayers are with you in this time. Your baby will continue to receive God's blessings as he moves further in his treatment. He is not alone and you are not alone. God Bless,

Hi Craig Kat and Family, I hope everything is going okay!!If there is anything I can do back here please let me know! You have enough to worry about. We're all thinking about you.Lex keep trying, we're all rooting for you!!!! You are a tough little man.

DeDe Brogren

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